• Introduce the children to an organized team sport experience, where they can learn the game. 

  • Promote values associated with group participation such as: teamwork, sportsmanship, unity, cooperation and a sense of belonging. 

  • Give children the opportunity, regardless of ability, to engage in competitive activities and at the same time have fun. 

  • Establish a sense of responsibility to someone other than one’s self. 



This is an instructional division, for players and officials, intended to encourage learning and semi-competitive play. There is no Draft for the 1-2 Division.  All players will be sorted and placed on teams by Board members.  Players will be assigned to teams after all registrations are turned in, teams will also be made up of (4) first graders and (4) second graders, or as close to equal as possible. Every child will receive a participation award.

3rd and 4th Grade Girls Division

This is an all girls division and is still instructional but more competitive. The child is required to attend an evaluation and the child will be drafted onto a team.  

3rd and 4th Grade Boys Division

This is an all boys division and is still instructional but more competitive. The child is required to attend an evaluation and the child will be drafted onto a team. 

5th and 6th Grade Girls Division

This is an all girls division. You will expect to see a very competitive game but still offering room for instruction and growth. The child is required to attend an evaluation and the child will be drafted onto a team. 

5th and 6th Grade Boys Division

This is an all boys division. You will expect to see a very competitive game but still offering room for instruction and growth. The child is required to attend an evaluation and the child will be drafted onto a team. 

7th and 8th Grade Girls Division

This is an all girls division that is highly competitive and has a higher skill set. This division prepares children to advance to the high school level. The child is required to attend an evaluation and the child will be drafted onto a team. 

7th and 8th Grade Boys Division

This is an all boys division that is highly competitive and has a higher skill set. This division prepares children to advance to the high school level. The child is required to attend an evaluation and the child will be drafted onto a team. 


The definition of a “Volunteer Coach” is an individual who willingly gives time and effort to YYB for the benefit of the program. Without this type of volunteer leadership, this program would be unable to survive. Volunteer coaches contribute a great deal to the community, and beyond this, they gain personal benefits from their efforts. The benefits derived from being a volunteer coach come from knowing that you, as a volunteer, have provided a meaningful service to the children that live in our community. If you have any desire to become a volunteer coach for the YYB program, please contact the President of the Board, Ben McCarty.
Volunteer coaches set their own practice time schedule. So you may have to adjust your child’s schedule around the practice time. Once a child is placed on a team there is no switching teams. No exceptions.
Parents may not interfere with coaches during the games. If you have a question or comment about the game, bring it up with the coach after the game is over. 


  • Remember all players on your team are individuals and possess characteristics in common with other children.

  • Too much emphasis by parents on perfection, may lead to loss of interest in sports.

  • Scolding, sarcasm, nagging and taking away privileges for not playing well won’t help them play better, it will only make them want to quit. 

  • All players, despite their level of skill, will play in every game. Remember to let the COACH be the coach. 

  • Shouting criticisms at a child, will only embarrass that child in the eyes of his/her teammates. 

  • Remember winning isn't everything. Having fun IS everything, so have fun watching your child have fun.


YYB has made every effort to secure and train the officials. These students go through a training program. Even with this training of officials, mistakes will be made. As with anyone in any profession or occupation, officials are fallible. 
Displays of poor sportsmanship toward the coach or the game officials by the spectators will not be tolerated. Parents who are disrespectful to the officials, coaches, players or other parents may be asked to leave the gym. If this type of behavior continues the parent may be suspended or expelled from the program. 
It is important to remember that officials are not enemies of the team. They are responsible for proper administration of the game and safety of the players. 
Remember: Coaches Coach. Kids Play. Parents Cheer. Good sportsmanship is you cheering your hearts out and enjoying your children playing the game. Winning is not everything - the children are everything.

  • Officials must be treated with respect. Treat officials, as you would wish to be treated. Your children take their cue from you and will follow your lead, so lead them in the way of sportsmanship. 

  • A decision based on an official’s judgment should NOT be questioned. Let your coach handle this. It’s his/her job and up to him/her to decide what calls he/she feels needs clarification; he/she knows the proper time to ask. Remember you are not in the same position as the official on the court and your eye line and his/hers are different. He/ she has the better view.

  • Parents should never go on the court at anytime during a game. In case of injury, wait until the coach calls you down. If a parent goes onto the court during the game, the game will be stopped and the parent will be ejected from the gym and not allowed back for the next game. If the parent refuses to leave, the game will be called and there will be no make-up game scheduled.

  • Players are not allowed to question the official’s decision. 



All players must be listed on the “Official Team Roster”. 


Players can only play for the team where they are assigned.


Teams are formed by a draft. After being assigned to a team, players may not be switched to another team for any reason (no exceptions). If a player quits and receives a refund or credit he/ she may not sign up again during that current sports season.


Uniforms will be passed out by the coach during practice. Players are responsible for their uniform. Players will not be allowed to play without his/her “official” uniform.



Practices are scheduled by the volunteer coach. 


If your schedule conflicts with the coaches practice schedule, you should talk with the coach. However, he will need to set up his practice to meet his schedule. There are no team switches, so you may need to re-adjust your child’s schedule to fit with that of the volunteer coach.