This is How We Work

President - cannot coach

  • Point of contact: City of Yucaipa and YCJUSD
  • Administration/responsibility running the League
  • Facilitate all league corrective action meetings
  • Visit all gyms during games

Vice President

  • Oversees Player Agent
  • Coordinate with Player Agent: 
    • Organize/Run Evaluations
    • Draft and other pre-season meetings
    • Create player list for each division
  • Coordinate game schedule with President
  • Manages Board Members on Duty (BMOD)
  • Monitor Division games - BMOD


  • Schedules all meetings
    • Board Meetings, City Meetings, etc.
    • Schedule facilities & committees
  • Compose Agendas for meetings
  • Compose and maintains meeting minutes
  • Creates master calendar
    • Confirms dates for upcoming meetings and games.
  • Communicates upcoming meetings and activities
  • Coordinates "Picture Day"
  • Conducts official voting for election of Board
  • Maintaining Board Member and other volunteer contact list
  • Monitor Division games -BMOD


  • Fiscal Management:
    • creating and maintaining a budget
    • Deposit of funds
    • Keeping financial records
    • Accounts Payable
  • Taxes:
    • Coordinates filing/payment of taxes, dues, and insurance
  • Coordinates season registration
  • All ordering and purchasing of supplies and equipment
  • Monitor Division games - BMOD

Chief of Officials - cannot coach

  • Point of contact for Referees and Referee issues
  • Referee Training: before and during the season
  • Recruitment 
  • Maintaining Referee contact list
  • Obtains necessary documentation prior to season
  • Visit each gym for spot training
  • Monitor Division games - BMOD

Player Agent

  • Coordinate with Vice President: 
    • Organize/run Evaluations
    • Organize/run Pre-Draft and Draft
    • Create player list for each division
  • Create practice schedules
  • Communicate with Division Reps on calendar items
  • Point of Contact for Division Reps
  • Communicate complaints/issues to the President
  • Facilitate corrective action meetings involving players
  • Monitor Division games - BMOD

Division Reps

  • Point of contact for Coaches
  • Assists with Division evaluations
  • Run Division draft with Player Agent
  • Communicate with Coaches on calendar items
  • Communicate complaints or issues with appropriate party
  • Work with President to resolve Division issues
  • Distributes Division team uniforms
  • Monitor Division games - BMOD

Safety Officer-Distributed with all board members

  • Ensure compliance with current Safety Laws
  • Coordinate/Supervises all safety matters
  • Ensures safe playing conditions with Equipment Chair
  • Coordinates reporting of injuries
  • Distribute/maintain first aid kits to all Divisions
  • Coordinate/maintain background checks
  • Coordinate/maintain concussion trainings
  • Managing/distributing ID badges for approved coaches
  • Monitor Division games - BMOD

Social Media/Web Director

  • Point of Contact for League with the Public
  • Manages website
  • Manages all social media
  • Manages all online communication and calendars
  • Maintaining Team stats/standings - weekly
  • Managing NewsMirror relationship and articles
  • Monitor Division games - BMOD

Sponsorship/Fundraising Manager

  • Solicits and secures corporate sponsors
  • Manages/Assists teams securing sponsors
  • Maintains records of all Sponsorships/Fundraising
  • Order Sponsorship banners
  • Monitor Division games - BMOD

Uniforms & Equipment Chair

  • Maintain all equipment needed for season
  • Coordinate all uniforms and trophy bids
  • Coordinate with Safety Officer for all facilities
  • Monitor Division games - BMOD

* All Board Members Attend Registrations*

* All Board Members Rotate as BMOD*